Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Week 4 - Pan Frying - Double Potato Pancakes

I've been dying to make potato latkes since Hanukkah and either haven't had time, or haven't been in the mood when I did have the time. So, this pan frying challenge was the perfect opportunity. 

I had sweet potatoes and new potatoes that needed to be used so I did mix of both. I added shredded onion, chives, salt and pepper, egg, and a little flour.

I'd been told by a friend that the trick to making sure they stick together is not to flip them too soon, so I heated up my awesome cast iron skillet (which I recently, painstakingly seasoned) then put on my patience hat.

Some held together better than others, but for the most part, they cooked up nicely and I piled them in the oven to say warm.

This little mesh pan lid is fabulous for pan frying. It prevents any burns or stains from the popping oil, but you can see your food so you don't overcook anything. It was left/given to us by the previous tenets (friends of ours) and I use it all the time. 

I always struggle with keeping the latkes crispy between the pan and the eating. I haven't mastered that yet, so suggestions are welcome! Below I've piled them up and they are ready to eat!

We topped them with applesauce and sour cream and went to town. They were sooo delicious! The mix of sweet potato and red potato made the latkes a bit sweeter than I am accustomed to, but it was a nice balance with the chives and sour cream .

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