Andrew and I are embarking on a 2012 challenge to bake and cook every week! We will be following along with an online community that is providing the challenges and then posting pictures for the things we make here on our blog for you to drool over! Part of this challenge will be successfully photographing our delicious food, so please forgive us as we muddle through that task.
While we already cook and bake regularly, we are hoping this challenge will encourage us to try new ingredients, new techniques, and new recipes. It is a good thing we received Baking Illustrated and Cooks Illustrated cook books for xmas!
Each week we will take on the challenge to cook and bake with a new ingredient or theme (cooking and baking each will have a different challenge each week) and we will share pictures (and maybe recipes?) of the results. The mods on r/52weeksofcooking and r/52weeksofbaking will provide the ingredient, technique or theme each week. The list is updated a few weeks in advance, so we can be prepared for the upcoming week. See our "Weekly Challenge Lists" to see past and future challeges.
Our weekly challenges will most likely follow the format below.
Week 1 of a month: Specific ingredient (eg. "eggs week", "spaghetti squash week")
Week 2 of a month: Theme/Cultural/Inspiration (eg. "greek week", "color week" “movie week”)
Week 3 of a month: Dish type (eg. "casserole week", "breakfast food week")
Week 4 of a month: Cooking Technique (eg. "pan frying week", "slow cooking week")
Thanks for following along and we hope you don't ruin your keyboard over the next year! :)